Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Little About Myself....

Hi! Most of you reading this probably already know me but if not, I'm Alicia! I became a step-mom before I became a biological mom. When my family moved into one house together, I couldn't help but think how easy this whole Mom thing was. Now that we have a baby in the house and I'm a lactating mother, my goodness how not easy it all is. My fiancée and I both work full time outside of the home, about an hour away for both of us. I forget things daily and something is always going wrong. I'm here to share my crazy, beautiful mess of motherhood and life with everyone. Sometimes we just need to know that we aren't alone and sometimes we just need a good laugh.

This morning, I forgot the baby's medicine at home so I knew I had to run back and grab it. I dropped off all the kids first so nobody missed the bus to school. While getting the baby out of the car, I stepped in the deepest, coldest, muddiest puddle ever.... soaking my entire shoe up to my ankle. All that came to mind was "everything happens for a reason." I'm still working on figuring out what that reason was for causing me to step in the puddle and have to go home and change my shoes and pants this morning. Maybe you can help me answer that. The whole ordeal caused me to be 30 minutes late to work. Instead of letting it ruin my day, I decided to start a blog about all the little screw ups in my life because there are A LOT! Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I've decided to share them if only to make others smile.

Excuse me while I go do some grocery shopping on my lunch break.


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